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Team Building at Pinnacle Hill at Westul Company


In order to foster team spirit and promote the well-being of its employees, Westul organized an exciting team building activity on the evening of July 10, 2024 – Climbing Pinnacle Mountain.

Located in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, Jianfeng Mountain is lush and rugged on mountain roads, providing the perfect backdrop for this adventure. Full of enthusiasm and anticipation, the team members gathered at the foot of the mountain early in the morning.

With the beginning of the climb, the spirit of solidarity and cooperation became evident. Colleagues encourage and support each other, share burdens, and help those in need. The mountaineering journey is not only a physical challenge, but also a test of determination and teamwork.

Along the way, the breathtaking views and fresh mountain air keep everyone refreshed. The sound of laughter and pleasant conversation fills the air, creating bonds between teams outside of the office.

Reaching the top of the mountain is a time of triumph and celebration. The panoramic view from the top of the hill is a reward for all the hard work. It reminds us that with perseverance and joint efforts, anything can be achieved.

This team building event at Pinnacle Hill is more than just a hike; It is also a platform to build stronger relationships, enhance communication and instill a sense of unity within the Westul family of companies. It has undoubtedly left a positive and lasting impact on each member, inspiring them to face the challenges of the future with the same spirit of unity and determination.

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